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The Orchestra of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf

In December 1987 a small group of music enthusiastics students came together for a first rehearsal under the direction of Silke Löhr. A good six month later, on July 7th 1988, the University Orchestra of the Heinrich-Heine-University performed in public on the campus for the first time. 

Meanwhile the Orchestra has developed into a culture bearer of the city. The ensemble performs regularly in the Tonhalle Düsseldorf as well as in numerous churches, also in collaboration with the UNICHOR (University choir).

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Letzte Meldungen

Unsere Dirigentin Silke Löhr ist eine der "Heine-Menschen 2022"

Beim sommerlichen Fest auf Schloss Mickeln wurden am Montag die diesjährigen Heine-Menschen für ihren unermüdlichen Einsatz für Chancengerechtigkeit geehrt.

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